1.At some time of our life , you may have been severely wronged or hurt by another person to such a degree that forgiveness seems impossible .
2.At some time in the next two decades, we will think about the information market place in terms of these four components.
3.The transfer had to be announced at some time, and this, said a senior official, was "one of those issues where the timing is never right" .
4.At some time the shooting died down and I decided to walk along the captured trenches.
5.I thought it was just open-end. That at some time, people would have to move out of here.
6.Dynamic Transformation Dynamic transformation operates at some time between the JVM request for a class and the loading of that class.
7.At some time or other, most of you, probably, have been taught at least the rudiments of boxing, under the Queensbury rules.
8.At some time after that meeting, he asked if he could take me to dinner at the end of the term.
9.It could quite be possible that this cat had a dog experience in last life or previous life at some time.
10.All cultures at some time have had dances to bring rain , goodhealth, or to drive ill spirits away.